Dear Friends,
This November 3rd is a very important election for Vallejo. I am seeking your support for a four year term on the Vallejo City Council, District 1 (Hiddenbrooke/Northgate area) to “Maintain Financial Stability, Implement Police Reform, Enhance Public Safety, Build Community Trust and Continue the Progress we’ve made in the last few years!As we deal with the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID19 pandemic, economic crisis and social justice issues, it will take ALL OF US working together to make Vallejo move forward. WE will need leaders with the experience, courage, passion, integrity and collaborative skills to get us back on track toward prosperity. I firmly believe that I possess these qualities and skills which have been honed in my 25 years of public service and mental health professional career.
Please join Congressman Mike Thompson, Mayor Bob Sampayan, Vice Mayor Sunga, Councilmember Pippin Dew and former Mayor Osby Davis in supporting me for Vallejo City Council District 1! Thank you.